Tuesday 15 February 2011

stretchy stretchy


This is an amazing free pattern making website that I have been using for a couple of A-level projects (an ice dancing dress and a pair of jodpurs, not to be worn together of course)

It IS advanced and I know that a lot of people see the words stretch and fabric together and run a mile but just in case you were trying to find a decent commercial pattern for stretchy stuff, save your pennies and make your own!


  1. I use Pattern Master software with all my GCSE nnd A'level students (we use this from year 10) this way there is no issue over designs being original, because we use no commercial patterns at all. They create designs. slect blocks or second stage blocks using the software and then we print them and i show them how to manually adapt them further to fit their designs. They have screen shots from the software in their project with the parts they have further adpated drawn on and images of the patterns once developed and pinned to test the shape - before we make toiles. i have found that universities ane really impressed with the fact that they have a) used software and b) have pattern making/dpating experience. + it saves the cost of patterns which can add Approx £8-10 to the cost of their fabric.
    Also on a recent inset we were told that at A2 no commercial patterns should be used - they need to have some of their own pattern making work in there. So I am glad that is one thing we do right.

  2. I havent used this sofware, it sounds great! Could you send me some more details about it? sounds good from a design development point of view with the pinning stage before making a toile. I have not liked some pattern benerating programmes before but this sounds ideal. I do get my year 12s to make a basic bodice and skirt block as part of the introductory project from the good old instructions in Winifred Aldrich. The lessons are always blissfully silent with concentration, I love it!

  3. Ha I self taught myself pattern making from Winifred Aldrich. Women's men's and children. The software is produced by a compnay called Wild Ginger they are American it costs about £120 for each women's, men's and children. It's very easy to use. I get students to save their patterns to an are on the network then I check them and print them. Where are you based cos you could come over and I could show you it. I am in Hertfordshire near Bishop's Stortford.
    I Did all that stuff on performance textiles a few weeks back. They understand it and we watched videos - though need to watch some more but its whether they remember it that bothers me. This was with A2 by the way. But basically the same stuff is covered at As anyway - just less detail I guess. I take loads of examples in and show them and I talk about running and stuff. Also several of my class including my daughter went mountain climbing this summer and hiking in rain forests so they understand lightweight microfibres and wickability cos they have experieneced so that has helped. We spent about 3 lessons on this - first doing definitions and then going through notes and videos. I have lots of examples of medical textiles that I show them - and let them wear!
