Thursday 26 May 2011

The A2 revision slog begins!

Our last official year 13 lesson was today so now we are truly into REVISION.
I hope that my students can get straight inot the cramming, reading and re-reading that is required to start properly, then the notes, spider diagrams, hundreds of practice questions, drawing diagrams, sticking revision posters up EVERYWHERE at home and of course following my revision blog too!

Will they do it? will my penultimate year 13 class to take this dreaded exam be any good? who knows?

I remain, as ever, optimistic.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

The A2 Exam is read this!

And this!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Brand innovator Pierre Cardin to sell his buisness

Very interesting article about the rise of Pierre Cardin as a fashion innovator in branding and marketing, going beyond his signature 'space age' style and ensuring his name will live on in fashion history.


I have just got the Lucy Siegle book 'To die for' and its BRILLIANT!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Normal service will now be resumed

Sorry about the lack of posting over the past two weeks, but with the last push for exam cramming about to begin I need a distraction activity so I have a ton of library books to read (I SOOOOO much time for leisure reading!!) and all my blogs are back in buisness.

Here are my favourite articles from the past week

The brilliant Lucy Siegle going all in depth and she has even got a book out!

and this fascinating article about the effect of new technologies on fashion marketing and retailing.

All good stuff.

Now just need to work out how I am going to get through the whole spec with year 12 before the exam. HOW??!!