Monday 3 January 2011

Back and blogging

Hello to all I have been having a blog break over Christmas and that but am back and ready to rock (in Textilesey way of course) for 2011.

Where to start? well I have been doing a lot of knitting over the holidays, does anyone have any thoughts about knitting in lessons/clubs/etc? I have tried so many ways to teach twenty people how to knit simultaneously and each one has failed except for sitting in small groups (2-3 max) and showing them. Then watching them have a go and correcting them. I usually have one or two who can do it already and have a go at showing the others. Could webcam attached to my IWB help?

Has anyone ever got further than plain knit? or even the dreaded casting on?


  1. My mother-in-law taught me to knit in summer 2010- not only does she not speak a word of english- she taught me to cast on first! So I had some real difficulty learning- i practice knitting on my lunch break- and find that constantly practicing is really the only way to do it well. I would say from a students point of view- that one-on-one or 2-3 persons is really the only way of successfully learning.
    Do you teach knitting in your secondary school textile classes?

  2. Yes, usually in year 9 or 10 as part of a 'how fabrics are made' type of project and then we weave and felt fibres too. To get more time I have run lunchtime clubs but you are absolutely right, you just need to keep practicing, and when students want a quick fix solution to making something I just have to convince them that if you want something decent then it usually takes a long time!

  3. I knitted a few things years ago as a student - have never taught it in school, most KS3 students have trouble threading needles - they don't seem to have the hand eye coordination skills needed for knitting. Recently I had to knit a new face for my 23yr old daughter's 'favourite toy' - (yes she does still take it to bed every night along with her partner!) I was impressed to find i could remember casting on and off as well as knit, purl and rib stitches - like learning to ride a bike I guess - you never forget. I don't really like knitting though because its too slow. My daughter was impressed - she didn't know I could knit!
