Saturday 26 February 2011

Just what the doctor (or surgeon) ordered!

I am currently watching the golden age of glamour on bbc 4. Its a repeat but will be on the iplayer. Its the last one in the series and is FANTASTIC! its got loads on the growth of consumerism, the influence of films and the changing role of women through the inter war years. Would be GREAT accompanied by some stuff about Chanel and Schiap to follow up. THIS is what I want to be teaching. Hurrah!!!


  1. Ha! was there a pun intended in your title - (did you know my 'other' name is sewing surgeon) anyway thank you so much for this post - i watched it and you are right this is brilliant -setting it as homework to watch this and will then set an essay question on this and designers of the era. How cool!

  2. Thanks for this comment, I would love there to be a series on the history of fashion from the bbc. I've just been doing the 'Iconic design' question from last years A2 paper with my year 13. I thought it was ok but they all found it fiendishly difficult. But then I think what is the point of learning THOSE particular designs when there are HUNDREDS they could have chosen! Just got to keep chucking articles/book chapters at them I suppose (any excuse to get my costume history books out really)
